Risk competencies and a resilience culture are necessary skills for a society to deal with crises. The third topic area therefore deals with people's behavior with risks, including target-group-specific communication and the factors for broad-based societal crisis resilience. In this context, we focus on the vision of a sustainable future worth living.

The first two topic areas of the Risk Dialogue Foundation focus on essential risk topics such as climate, energy and the digital transformation. The third topic area focuses on conceptual issues. For example, what skills are needed in society to deal with risks and how to react resiliently when they occur. The first thrust is to strengthen risk competencies in society. This involves understanding risk perception and behavior. Various projects are investigating the behavior of the population in everyday life, but also in disasters and emergencies. For example, the perspective of young people is an important indicator for the future. In general, risk and crisis communication are core elements. The projects produce science-based and practice-oriented concepts on how to talk about risks in today's communication world in order to convey knowledge, pick up opinions and promote self-efficacy. The information and protection needs of individual target groups must always be understood anew, but developing solutions together to find an appropriate safety culture and to promote appropriate behavior remains central. Societal resilience forms the second thrust. General concepts of resilience, i.e. an appropriate reaction under stress with simultaneous learning for the future, have been discussed for some time in order to cope with the complex and unpredictable (risk) world. For us, the question is which culture is conducive to the further development of corresponding skills such as self-organization, a sense of responsibility or commitment. In doing so, we investigate which skills beyond resources strengthen resilience. What makes a neighborhood or a canton cope better with crises such as the Covid 19 pandemic, migration flows or natural disasters, to organize itself and to support each other? How can individuals, as well as bottom-up or grassroots initiatives, be supported? In terms of societal resilience, it is about understanding how such initiatives can be networked with each other, but also with top-down crisis management. In addition to understanding and enabling, resilience is also about working together with partners from civil society, research, business, government and politics.  
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Major Projects_

NCCS-Impacts: Global climate change impact on Swiss economy

How is global climate change affecting Switzerland's economic performance and the supply of food and medicine? In a globally networked economic system, the climate change-driven effects of weather and climate extremes affect the Swiss supply and production chains as well as the international sales markets worldwide.


Community resilience through bottom-up initiatives

How do bottom-up civil society initiatives promote social resilience in societies?


Further development of holistic risk management in the FOEN

On behalf of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Risk Dialogue Foundation examined the further development of holistic risk management at the FOEN and made recommendations.


Behavior of the population in disasters and emergencies

A further development of the existing framework model for the behavior of the population in disasters and emergencies commissioned by the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)


Nudging to increase occupational safety

A project for Suva focusing on preventive measures to increase occupational safety and possibilities of nudging approaches.


Crisis Communication Radiological Situation Centre

Für das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) in Deutschland erarbeiteten wir, gemeinsam mit der Forschungsstiftung Strom und Mobilfunk (FSM) der ETH Zürich eine Gegenüberstellung der im Internet auffindbaren Risikobewertung, ob Mobilfunkstrahlung eine Gefahr für die Gesundheit darstellt.


3D Printing Learning Expedition

Experten aus Forschung und Praxis präsentierten die aktuellsten Entwicklungen der Technologie und diskutierten sowohl damit verbundene Fragen des Rechts sowie auch der Ethik.
