Climate and energy are key issues of the future. They bring with them technological, economic, and social challenges and upheavals that can only be shaped in a sustainable way through cooperation. Therefore, the involvement of stakeholders and civil society is crucial.
The required developments in energy policy pose new challenges for the planning, implementation, and communication connected to energy infrastructures. The prevention or resolution of conflicts between operators, citizens, and organizations through communication must not be understood as "gaining acceptance". Rather, the energy strategy and each project must be conceptualized and communicated from the outset in such a way that the affected population is involved and can make informed decisions. In order for such a dialogue to be perceived as transparent and credible, the impartiality of the facilitation is important. Not all energy projects need (comprehensive) participatory dialogues. Continuous monitoring of public perception helps to decide when to consider which forms of dialogue.
Major Projects_
Swiss Carbon Removal Platform
The Swiss Carbon Removal Platform (CDR Swiss) is built on the conviction that a broad portfolio of sustainable carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approaches is required to reach Net-Zero and meet Switzerland’s climate protection goals.
MoreQ&A Carbon Dioxide Removal in Switzerland
With the questions and answers, we offer an orientation to the complex topic of CO2 removal and storage. They shed light on their role, both in global climate protection and specifically for Switzerland. At some points, references to additional sources of information offer the possibility of further thematic deepening.
MehrNCCS-Impacts: Global climate change impact on Swiss economy
How is global climate change affecting Switzerland's economic performance and the supply of food and medicine? In a globally networked economic system, the climate change-driven effects of weather and climate extremes affect the Swiss supply and production chains as well as the international sales markets worldwide.
MehrCDR-PoEt – Policy and Ethics of CO2 Removal
The CDR-PoEt project examines policy instruments for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the atmosphere and their fairness implications based on recognized policy principles and stakeholder deliberations.
MehrGeothermal Energy Riehen
In Riehen, Wärmeverbund Riehen AG (WVR AG) is planning to commission a second geothermal plant with the “geo2riehen” project. WVR […]
DemoUpCARMA (Demonstration and Upscaling of CARbon dioxide MAnagement solutions for a net-zero Switzerland) is a pilot project led by ETH […]
MehrWind energy Canton St. Gallen
Within the framework of the revised Energy Act, the canton of St. Gallen identified a total of 17 wind suitability areas in order to implement the mandate to identify suitable areas for wind power plants in accordance with the cantonal structure plans. Risk Dialog accompanied the project to promote dialogue between the canton, municipalities and the population by organising information events for municipal representatives and information and dialogue events for the population.