As an independent platform, the Risk Dialogue Foundation pursues the goal of developing innovative and viable solutions and frameworks to understand technological innovations, changes in the environment, and social change, and to shape the way we deal with them in a participatory manner.
The Risk Dialog Foundation has an impact on two levels:
- On a strategic policy level, in the co-design of framework conditions and the networking of stakeholders and experts (as a socially oriented think-do-tank)
- On an individual or organizational level, in concrete problem solving with interest groups and the local population (citizen dialogue platform, information mediator)
Products and services – what do we offer?
Analyses and studies: Early recognition and analysis of social and technological developments with a focus on understanding social needs in change processes.
- Studies on the perception of opportunities and threats and the need for action from the perspective of the population (e.g. DigitalBarometer, Gen Y risk behavior).
- Studies on risk behavior especially in the context of societal developments and new technologies (e.g., occupational safety and nudging).
- Analyses of stakeholder groups, communication patterns and media logics (e.g. geothermal energy debate in Switzerland)
Participatory citizen and stakeholder processes: Jointly developing acceptable solutions involving all key groups/people.
- Citizen dialogues with small and large group formats (e.g. on AI, on deep geothermal energy in the region of Mainz, Geneva, Basel and St.Gallen; accompaniment of wind projects such as LinthWind; conception and implementation of climate dialogues and a climate prize; dialogue on a safety laboratory).
- Multi-stakeholder dialogues with derived recommendations for action (e.g., on fundamentals and policy climate engineering, divergent risk assessment mobile communications and health, role of the insurance industry in the energy future, etc.).
- Real laboratories, citizens’ forums and other participation formats (e.g. wind project LinthWind)
Consulting and evaluation: Enabling organizations to manage social and internal risks and the corresponding communication in a way that is appropriate for stakeholders (social license to operate, acceptability).
- Solution development for communication and dialogue on technologies, risks and dealing with societal changes (e.g. radon measurements and remediation, support sufficiency initiatives, risk communication safety lab, etc.).
- Evaluations and implementation support of security systems and participatory processes (e.g. evaluation KOVE, market monitoring of dangerous goods containment, participatory budgeting, implementation Federal Staff Civil Protection)
- Support in designing an adequate safety culture in organizations (e.g. safety culture ewz: analysis, solution development and training)
- Support and solution finding in communicative conflicts between interest groups (e.g. when dealing with external stakeholders in controversial risk decisions)
Information, training and facilitation: Enabling individuals, organizations and society to deal competently with change processes through information, dialogue and facilitation of complex thematic events.
- Trainings on risk perceptions, communication, behavior and participation
- Conception and moderation of training and further education as well as events
- Develop and operate information and dialog platforms (e.g.
- Write technical papers and publications
As an independent platform, the Risk Dialogue Foundation pursues the goal of developing innovative and viable solutions and frameworks for understanding technological innovations, changes in the environment and social change, and for shaping the way in which they are dealt with in a participatory manner. In doing so, it cooperates with the respective partners from civil society, research, business, authorities, politics.
In the actual project realization, we draw on a broad spectrum of methods:
- Content, literature and media analyses
- Interview methods and focus groups
- Delphi surveys
- Communication, conflict and discourse analyses
- PESTEL analysis
- Process analyses and impact evaluations
- Voting-Methods
- Quantitative surveys
- Stakeholder and target group analyses
- Experimental testing of hypotheses
Creativity and solution methods:
- Brainstorming / Brainwriting / Mindmapping
- Morphological box
- Design-Thinking
- Disney-Method
- Scenario- und Wildcardtechniques
- Story-Telling / Narrative-Development
- Business Game Technique
- Methods for large groups, e.g. World-Cafe
Participation methods:
- Citizens’ meeting and citizens’ forums
- Monitoring group formats / stakeholder dialogs
- Crowdsourcing / Open Innovation
- PubliForum
- Reality Lab
- Perspectives Worksop
- Citizen Jury
- Future Conference