22. February 2022

Yesterday’s 10 vor 10 program on SRF discussed, among other things, the myth of whether smartphones are constantly listening to us in order to generate personalized advertising. For this, journalists Pirmin Roos, Mirjam Spreiter and Carmen Köppel talked to the deputy managing director of Risiko-Dialog, Nathalie Klauser. In the interview, she reveals the logic that big tech corporations like Alphabet (Google) and Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp) use for personalized advertising, how it can be detected, and what alternatives are possible.


Superficially, the personalized ads are not problematic, but the accumulated personal data, the linking and application of those in other areas of life. This is where Risiko-Dialog wants to remedy the situation with project initiatives such as Datenspende, in order to make alternative data applications possible with the consent of civil society.