
Behavior of the population in disasters and emergencies

The behavior of the population plays a central role in event management. The aim of the project commissioned by the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP) was to further develop the existing framework model on the behavior of the population in disasters and emergencies (see project 2014) on the basis of current studies, to test parts of the model in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, and to derive recommendations for FOCP emergency and crisis management.


An important substantive finding is that not only the risk groups in the event of a pandemic are to be regarded as vulnerable groups, but also those parts of the population that are strongly affected by the measures taken, e.g. financially. Sociodemographic characteristics are important explanatory variables and are related to trust, acceptance of measures and personal well-being. Further, personally perceived self-efficacy is an important construct to explain behavior. Especially when population behavior is an important part of crisis management, self-efficacy promotes acceptance of measures as well as behavioral adaptation.


Unumstritten stellt eine adäquate, differenzierte und offene Ereigniskommunikation ein zentrales Element der Krisenbewältigung dar. Dabei ist das konkrete Befinden der Menschen einer der ausschlaggebenden Faktoren für deren Verhalten und kann mittels Monitoring von psychischer und physischer Verfassung beobachtet werden. Die Bevölkerung ist als Teil der Lösung und nicht als Teil des Problems zu verstehen: Es steckt viel Potential in ihr, um sich in der Ereignisbewältigung zu engagieren. Schliesslich gilt es, die Resilienz als Fähigkeit mit Ereignissen umzugehen weiter zu stärken.


Project Type



Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz

Project Start

1. March 2020

Project End

31. December 2020

Project Country


Contact Person

Matthias Holenstein


Risk Competence and Resilience Culture